Opening hours

Mon. - Fri.: 08:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays Closed

a z personallogistik service ueber uns seite

About us

A - Z Personallogistik is a company with many years of experience in the field of personnel services. An important principle for our work is trust and honesty. Every customer can be sure that he will only be provided with A - Z employees who match his requirements profile as closely as possible. Every employee can be sure that he will be given only the work that corresponds to his qualification profile.

We are a serious and reliable employer for our employees. We see ourselves as an intermediary between them and the companies. The assignment of an employee to our customers is only successful for us if all parties involved are satisfied.

He is where all the threads come together.

"My principles are reliability, honesty and fairness.
These have allowed me to successfully run the company since 2012."